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How to confidently bounce back after a social media break

A woman on her smartphone writing social media content
To navigate life's curveballs, your social media content strategy needs to be manageable and flexible

Life often brings moments when small business owners and freelancers need to step away from social media.

School holidays, a vacation, an illness or simply the need for a break or a ‘digital detox’ are all reasons why you may intentionally or accidentally go offline or show up less for a while.

But what if you feel nervous about being visible again? How do you navigate a smooth re-entry?

In this blog post, I’ll talk you through the best way to confidently bounce back after a social media break, what to say when you reappear and what to post afterwards.

Reassess your business goals

Before you dive back into social media, take a moment to think about what you want to achieve. Have your business goals changed? Has your target audience or offerings shifted? Does your social media content strategy need to change to suit? Do you need to update your profile or links? Doing a ‘mini-audit’ will ensure your online presence stays in line with your business goals.

Create an achievable content strategy

To allow for downtime and life’s curveballs, you should create a social media content strategy that’s flexible and realistic as well as consistent. It should include a mixture of quality content that will inspire, educate and connect with your audience and show them how your products or services can help them.

It’s all about balance

Being consistent on social media is great but it should never be at the expense of your wellbeing. Scheduling regular breaks and not feeling pressured to post daily will allow you to achieve a sustainable social media strategy and avoid burnout.

There’s no need to explain yourself

Taking a break from social media isn’t something you should apologise for. If you want to tell your audience what you’ve been up to during your absence or share how the break has benefitted you that’s great but you don’t NEED to. Coming back with quality content that helps, inspires or entertains them is a powerful strategy. Always consider: what do people need to hear from me today?

Engage, engage, engage

In the first few days after you get back on social media, spend as much time engaging as possible. Connect with the people you follow, with people who left comments on your old posts, with your followers and in the hashtag feeds your audience hangs out in.

Now let’s dig deeper into WHAT you should post when you’re ready to return.

Two women chatting in a social media video
Make a Reel, tease something new or reintroduce yourself to get noticed and encourage engagement

Here are 5 ways to confidently bounce back after a social media break:

1. Make a Reel

Use stop motion, funny audio or catchy music to grab your audience’s attention. Share 3 tips, a quick explainer of how to use your product or a sneak peek into what your typical day looks like.

2. Reintroduce yourself

Whether you play it straight with interesting facts or for laughs with a funny story, help your audience get to know the person behind the business. Share an off-duty pic (or two) to grab people’s attention. Get more reintroduction post ideas.

3. Share your ‘why’

Talk about what compels you to do what you do. What do you love most about your business? Who are your ideal clients? Tell people how it all began and what keeps you going.

4. Tease something new

Give a hint of what you’re going to post next, share a glimpse of something you’re working on or unveil a countdown to an exciting new product or service. Get people intrigued!

5. Share the lessons you’ve learned

What mistakes have you made? What would you do differently if you had your time again? What wisdom would you pass on to someone who wants to do what you do? What advice would you give to someone taking a planned (or unexpected) social media break?

If you follow these tips, you’ll be ready to return to social media with confidence and clarity.

For more help with getting your business noticed on social media, book a Copy Coaching Call.

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